As payroll costs are the single largest expense in a childcare center or school, many company owners and executives are concerned with the potential increase in the minimum wage. No one likes to see increases in expenses without corresponding increases in revenues and profits. Here’s a few ways to deal with an increase to the

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Starting a Montessori School begins with hiring the right mix of professionals. Montessori teaching methods are proven and effective, but a Montessori school is also a business. You have to have right professionals to ensure that your school will have a long and successful life instead becoming a statistical business norm and closing in the

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Whenever professionals discuss the financial performance of early education companies, the conversation will always include “cash flow”…and that can be dangerous. The term “cash flow” can mean many different things and it can be the cause of material misunderstandings that can lead to litigation or you losing some of your money…or both. Instead of using

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If you own the real estate for your early education company, all of the following improvements can be made with just one change. Increase your profits Increase the market value of your business Lower your occupancy cost Eliminate or reduce your debt Increase your cash holdings Decrease your taxes Increase the number of buyers qualified

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Many of us need money from other people to start and grow companies. The money comes from banks, partners, investors, venture capitalists, equity funds…and/or our closest friends and family. No matter what the source is, understand two things. One, there is always a cost to using someone else’s money. Two, the cost can vary greatly

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We spend a lot of time focused on improving our centers and schools. You have to be driven to be successful in this industry. Whether it’s daycare, childcare, preschools, Montessori or private elementary, when you do it right, the impact you create is probably much bigger than you know. Here are some things you should

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