Lawsuits in the United States are sometimes referred to as an epidemic.  I’ve seen many lawsuits in our industry, and I’ve been asked to serve as expert witness in many of those cases.  While it’s true that anybody can sue anybody, many lawsuits can be avoided.  Here’s the how and why of some of our

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Here’s why.  “Montessorians”, like many good teachers of all types, believe in their work.  They believe in their founder and her principals.  Dr. Maria Montessori, the first woman medical doctor in Italy (1896), was also learned in biology, psychiatry and anthropology.  The attention of her accomplishment lead to an appointment by Italy’s Minister of Education,

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Notes: Most US taxpayers overpay their taxes. The basis IRS tax code has 2,600 pages, but it balloons to approximately 70,000 pages when you include the IRS regulations, revenue rulings and pertinent case law. You should always pay your tax bill. You should never pay a bill that isn’t yours to pay. Here’s how it

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Every industry has its challenges. In the early education (“EE”) industry, the challenge is to find and keep good teachers and directors. However, there are many EE companies that get and keep great teachers and directors for many years. These schools have very little staff turnover, and they are profitable. The primary key is to

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The answer is….don’t just shop multiple banks, shop them aggressively and meticulously. If you’re not the kind of person that wants to do that type of work, there are people who will do it for you and those people are far less expensive than the quarter-century mistake you can make by accepting the wrong loan.

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We get this question in one form or another most every day. The short answer is that you should sell whenever you want to sell. However, your decision to sell (or not sell) is oftentimes shaped by a number of factors. If you recognize these factors and their effect on your decision making process, then

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