The early education industry is blessed to have many people who enter this business because they care about more than the money. But make no mistake, money is required if you want to stay in this industry. Over the years (especially during the recession), we’ve seen many people lose centers and schools or push to

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Utilizing every inch of your childcare center or school in the most effective way possible will provide a much better environment for the children, the parents, the teachers, and your profitability. Efficiency is one of traits that promotes and inspires professionalism. Professional ownership, promotes professional management promotes better teachers and more attentive, happier and better

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When you consider your teachers and staff in your childcare company or school, it’s important that you think of them as a cohesive unit—not just individuals working in the same building.  Building a team that works well together can sometimes be a challenge, but the following steps should help you. Here we go. 1)   Create

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When parents visit your childcare center, preschool, Montessori school or private elementary, they want to be confident that the teachers in your center or school are providing an interesting learning environment.  For a parent, leaving their child at “school” is far better than leaving their child at a “care” facility.  It gives meaning and purpose

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Because, if you do it right, then you will take the time to write the newsletter one time per month, and each newsletter will work for you on-line 24 hours a day seven days a week for the next two to three years.  You’re not actually taking time.  You are leveraging and saving time.  You’re

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One thing we have learned in our 25+ years in the early education industry is the importance of key partnerships. We know our clients are better served when highly-functioning, professional brokerage firms pool resources to deliver faster and more effective results.  However, many brokerage firms want to avoid splitting fees or commissions in search of

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