When parents visit your childcare center, preschool, Montessori school or private elementary, they want to be confident that the teachers in your center or school are providing an interesting learning environment. For a parent, leaving their child at “school” is far better than leaving their child at a “care” facility. It gives meaning and purpose to the child’s time with you.
That’s one of the reasons why it is important to choose or create a curriculum that you and your teachers can present confidently. Whether you’re using Creative Curriculum, Teddy Care, Reggio Emilia, Montessori or any number of other choices, you must believe in your choice. If you don’t, if your teachers don’t, parents will notice the lack of commitment.
Once you have made a commitment to your curriculum, it’s important that you communicate the unique backgrounds, teaching styles, experience, and education levels of your teachers. With today’s instant access to information, parents will do more than run a search on your center or school. Parents will run a search on most anyone that can affect their child’s day. Because their child may spend more conscious hours with you and your teachers than with his or her parent(s), it is understandable that the parent will checkout everything about you and your teachers.
Here are a few things you can do to make sure parents find the information they need to know about your teachers.
1) Provide information about each of your teachers on your website. Keep it around 350 – 400 words per teacher. Be sure to avoid sharing any private information.
2) Have an open house and introduce all the teachers to your visiting parents. A face to face meeting preceded or followed by the parent’s visit to your website where teachers’ pictures and bios are on display will help parents become more comfortable with your teachers faster.
3) Make sure your teachers can talk about themselves and their work. Have your teachers write their own bios for the website. This activity will help teachers organize their thoughts about themselves and appears more polished when talking with parents.
Just doing these three things can make a huge difference in how your center is perceived. Your teachers play a key role in the marketing of your childcare center or school. Make sure parents see the reason you hired them.
What are some things you do to promote your teachers and school?
Best to you….Brad Barnett, President BFS®
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